I like my code to be always properly formatted, which makes it easier to read and understand. I use Sublime-text for coding and it has Reindent feature which can be found at Edit>>Line>>Reindent ,but everybody wants a keyboard shortcut.
Here is how you can add this shortcut in sublime
Go to Preferences>>Key Bindings - User>>
Now add below key value pair to existing json array (mostly it would be empty previously)
Instead of ctrl+shift+r you can have any other shortcut you like eg. f12, ctrl+r ...
And remember, To make this shortcut work , you need to have syntax highlighter plugin already installed for the programming language you are using.
Thats it guys. Enjoy the beautiful code.
Here is how you can add this shortcut in sublime
Go to Preferences>>Key Bindings - User>>
Now add below key value pair to existing json array (mostly it would be empty previously)
{ "keys": ["ctrl+shift+r"], "command": "reindent"}
My file contents looks like this[ { "keys": ["
"], "command": "reindent"} ]
Instead of ctrl+shift+r you can have any other shortcut you like eg. f12, ctrl+r ...
And remember, To make this shortcut work , you need to have syntax highlighter plugin already installed for the programming language you are using.
Thats it guys. Enjoy the beautiful code.